Pedro Menendez High School Counseling Department
Parent Resource for Students in Crisis: Click Here
School Counseling Office Hours: 8:30 am to 4pm
Welcome to Pedro Menendez School Counseling Department’s website! Our school counseling team offers a comprehensive program to all students at PMHS. High school is an exciting time, which brings change and sometimes challenges for students and families. We are a resource for students, parents, and teachers and we invite you to contact us at anytime.
Graduation and College Application Presentation
Xello is an online program your child is using in school to help them prepare for the future. It offers a variety of activities from kindergarten to the end of high school. These activities help students build self-knowledge, explore their options, and create achievable plans. They develop the 21st-century skills needed to thrive in the world of work. It’s important for students to take ownership in planning for their future. But the caring adults in their life play an essential supporting role. Use your Xello Family account to see your child’s work in future-readiness. Use this opportunity to discuss and support their future goals and plans.
Instructions for Connecting Xello and CommonApp
Counselors provide the following services:
- New Student Registration/Scheduling
- Academic Advising
- Student Scheduling
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- Scholarship Resources
- College information and planning
- Career Research
- Referral for students in crisis
- Testing Administration
- Post-secondary planning
- Dual Enrollment & AP information and registration
School Counselors
If you would like to set up an appointment to meet with your school counselor, please contact the school counseling secretary. To email your counselor or any other person in the School Counseling Office, click on their last name below.
Student Last Names A-F
Early College
Student Last Names G-K
IB and Pre IB
Student Last Names L-Z and ELL students
2025 – 2026 Registration Information
Registration schedule for Feb 2025
PMHS Executive Internship Application Form 2025 26
Dual Enrollment Application process:
- If you haven’t done so already, please sign up for the PERT test, link is on Schoology.
- Fill out Dual Enrollment application. Link to application:
-Click First Time User Account Creation
- Fill out Signature page and return to your guidance counselor. This page must have your SJRSC student # on it. This number is assigned to you once you complete the online application.
- Make sure you are applying for the right semester. Summer is up now, but fall will not open until later in the spring.
- Student must have an unweighted 3.0 GPA in order to participate in Dual Enrollment.
Jennifer Gibbons 904-547-8663
School Counseling Department Secretary
Provides the following services:
- New student registration & proof of residency
- Scheduling of parent/teacher conferences
- Scheduling of student/counselor appointments
- Responds to parent inquiries
- Initiates student withdrawals
Career Specialist
Kristina Bransford 904-547-8681
International Baccalaureate (IB) Program Coordinator & IB Testing
Stephanie Toffaletti
PMHS IB website
Testing Coordinator (PSAT, FSA, EOC, PERT & ELL)
Alejandra Cuevas 904-547-8666
Computer Operator/Records Clerk
Eileen Coll 904-547-8667
Provides the following services:
- Maintains student records
- HAC (Home Access Center) Accounts/Issues
- Requests student transfer records
- Coordinates college admissions visits
- Sends transcripts to colleges
- Maintains health /shot records
Transcript Request
Students can now order their transcripts through Parchment from 2021 to present. Watch this video for instructions on how to order them. If you need transcripts from 2020 or earlier, please email Rebecca Cosgrove at or call her at 904-547-7137.