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Welcome to the Deans’ Office

Welcome to the Deans' Office

Yanetta Smith
[email protected]

We want to provide our students with a safe, orderly environment in which to study and to learn. Certain school policies, in addition to the county-wide discipline rules are necessary. It is important that each student be familiar with the St. Johns County School District Student Code of Conduct, also found in the Student Planner.

When calling the Dean’s Office, please be prepared to leave a message. Messages are checked often throughout the day, and calls will be returned promptly.

Cell Phones

Recent state law now bans the use of student use of cell phones in the classroom without the express permission of the teacher and then only for educational purposes.

Cell phone policy 

Dress Code

Please keep in mind the following rules pertaining to SJCSD dress code expectations. Shirts/tops must have straps, the length of shorts/pants should be no shorter than mid-thigh and the entire area from armpit to armpit down the mid-thigh must be covered. Exposed midriffs are not permitted.

Dress Code Policy



Tardy Policy

Students success is built by being punctual to class to get the most out of instructional time.

Tardy Policy