- Attention all Juniors and seniors: If you would like to meet with a college rep, we have many that are already scheduled. Please stop by guidance to sign up.
- Any 9th, 11th or 12th grade students who would like to take the PSAT on October 16 you must sign up for the test using school pay. Please visit the PMHS homepage and click on school pay to register for this test.
Remember, it can give a concordant score for Algebra 1 EOC and it can help qualify students for scholarships! The cost is $21.00
- Anyone needing to take the PERT for Dual Enrollment or concordant scores for graduation, please sign up at Mr. Cofield’s office before Friday September 20th. The PERT will be offered on October 3rd.
- National Honor Society is now accepting applications for new members. You must be a Sophomore or older, have at least a 3.5 UNWEIGHTED GPA, and take a minimum of 2 Honors level or higher classes. Please see Mrs. Paone in room 845 or Mrs. Kennedy in room 840 to get an application. Applications are due no later than September 26th.
- There will be a parent meeting for Girls Weightlifting on Monday 09/23 @ 5:30 in the Cafeteria for anyone interested in being on the team. Please see Coach Lippo if you have any questions.
- On Wednesday Sept 18th there will be a meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00 pm to discuss the information for the Spain Trip for next year. This is a wonderful opportunity offered to our Pedro Students & Parents. Please join Mr. John Miller to get all the exciting information.
- Anyone interested in Wrestling please see Coach Leonard in the cafeteria during all lunches.
- Photography Club will be holding a meeting this Thursday 09/19 @ 8:30 in Rm # 223.
- Guitar Club will have it’s first meeting immediately after school today in the band room. Please see Mr. Fulford if you have any questions.
- Drama Club meets tomorrow in the Cafeteria after school until 4 pm. Be sure to arrange your ride home. New members can sign up at the Drama Club table at Open House tonight from 5 to 7.