Non scholae, sed vitae discimus.
(Not For School, But For Life, We Learn. Seneca)
Belief Statements
- Together, students, teachers and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.
- Each student is a valued individual.
- Students learn best when they take responsibility for their learning and are actively engaged in the learning process.
- Students must demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills in preparation for the work place.
- Mutual respect among and between students and staff enhances positive relationships.
- Students must have opportunities to learn problem-solving skills in a supportive and challenging environment.
- Teachers should implement a variety of instructional practices, and the school shall offer a varied curriculum to accommodate the different ways that students learn.
- Reading and its many applications are essential tools to achieving success in life.
- An appreciation for cultural diversity increases students’ understanding of different peoples and cultures.
- Teachers and students must always strive for continuous improvement.