Congratulation’s to both Amee Brown & Colby Johnson on your finishing times at States. Way to represent Menendez!
Girls 5k class 3A – Amee Brown 74th out of 233 – Time 20.24.7
Boys 5k Class 3A – Colby Johnson 128th out of 235 – Time 17.40.9

We are not a club, but a Varsity Sport! Ready to compete!?
Coaches: Ken Jones and Beth Purtill
Fall Workout Schedule (Must attend minimum of 4x p/wk to race):
Mondays – Crescent Beach Police Station 4-530pm
Tuesdays – PMHS Trail 4-530pm
Wednesdays – PMHS Track 3-430pm
Thursdays – PMHS Track 4-530pm
Fridays – PMHS Trail 4-530pm
Workout schedules are subject to change so get the Remind App to stay in the loop:
1. Download the remind app from the app store.
2. Use the class code: @3acb849 to access our account.
2023-24 Fall Race Schedule – (Must participate in 5 races to possibly place for Districts):
8/26/23 Saturday – “Spikes and Spurs 5K” Flagler County Fairgrounds 150 Sawgrass Rd, Bunnell, FL. 32110 Boys 7:15AM, Girls 7:40AM (meet at PMHS to carpool 5:30AM or meet at Fairgrounds 6AM)
9/9/23 Saturday- “Clay Co XC Invite” Clay Co Fairgrounds 2497 FL-16 GCSprings, FL 32043 5K 8AM (athletes meet at PMHS to bus there 5:30am, return at 11am)
9/16/23- “Katie Caples 5K” Bishop Kenny HS 1055 Kingman Ave Jacksonville, Fl. 32207
JVGirls 4:55pm, JVBoys 5:30 pm, VGirls 6:05pm, VBoys 6:35pm, EliteGirls 7PM, Elite Boys 7:25PM (Bus leaves PMHS at 2:30PM *bring $ for dinner on the way home, we return at 10PM)
9/23/23- “Bale n’ Trail” Bartram High School 7399 Longleaf Pine Pkwy, Saint Johns, FL 32259 VBoys 7:30AM, VGirls 8AM, JVBoys 8:30AM, JVGirls 9AM (athletes meet at PMHS to bus there 5:30AM, return at 11am)
9/29-30/23- “Pre State” FSU By Invite for varsity boys and girls only (TBD by top 8 times) Apalachee Regional Park 7550 Apalachee Pkwy Tallahassee, FL 32311 *booked rooms at Hampton Inn 2979 Apalachee Pkwy, Tallahassee for runners
10/7/23- Pedro Home Meet-PMHS *will need parent volunteers! https://www.stjohns.k12.fl.us/volunteer/
Girls 7:30AM, Boys 8:10AM, Middle School 3K 8:45am, Alumni 9:30am
10/14/23– “New World Fall Spectacular” New World Sports Complex 13715 Lake Newman Street Jacksonville, FL 32221 VGirls 7:30AM, VBoys 8:15AM, JVGirls 8:45AM JVBoys 9:30AM (Bus leaves PMHS 5:30AM, Returns at 11AM)
10/21/23– “Craig Speziale 5K” Ponte Vedra HS 460 Davis Park Rd. PV, FL 32081 VBoys 7:15AM, VGirls 7:45AM, JVBoys 8:15AM, JVGirls 8:55AM (Bus leaves PMHS 5:30AM, Returns at 11AM)
10/24 Tuesday host FSDB at PMHS 5pm
11/4/23 District 2- Ponte Vedra HS 460 Davis Park Rd. PV, FL 32081 VGirls 8:30AM, VBoys 9AM (Bus leaves PMHS 6:30AM, Returns at 11AM) *only for top 10 runners that qualify
11/11/23– Regionals/Region 1 at Matanzas HS *only for top 7 runners of top 8 teams that qualify (Meet at PMHS to carpool at 7AM or meet at MHS 8AM) 3535 Pirate Nation Way Palm Coast, FL 32137 VGirls 9AM, VBoys 9:30AM
11/17/23– States/State 3A at Apalachee Regional Park 7550 Apalachee Pkwy Tallahassee, FL 32311*only for top 7 runners of top 8 teams that qualify (leave PMHS Thurs at 9am in vans, return to PMHS Fri at 4pm)
You must be approved via Athletic Clearance and Pay the $100 Pay to Play fee on $Payments->Schoolpay no later than August 25, 2023!!!!!!!!!
Practices may be cancelled due to inclement weather. I will call practices off a half an hour before the practice begins using the remind app.
If you cannot make practice due to work schedules or ride difficulties contact me for a personalized home training schedule.
Coach Ken Jones- (904)-797-2478
remind app text 81010 to @3acb849