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Athletic Leadership Council (ALC)

The goal of the ACL as a team is to individually develop our leadership abilities. by improving ourselves and encouraging others within our team, we will become more capable of achieving our ultimate vision. Our leadership skills will be implemented in the sports we play and will be throughout the school campus. Overarching vision is to increase school pride and involvement. We will strive to encourage our peers to also become leaders and be actively participating students. We want to be know in the community as a group who accomplishes our goals by working together through positive actions. We stand for pride in Pedro Menendez High School and intend to represent our school and sports teams well. We can and we will make a difference in school involvement by promoting ourselves and each other as leaders.

Student Driven Leadership – Falcon Pride Patrol:

This morning student athletes involved with ALC, football, cheer, and volleyball participated in our first Falcon Pride Patrol. These students went to our feeder elementary schools (Hartley, Otis Mason, Osceola, and Southwoods) to greet the young students as they arrived to school. It was a great experience had by all, little and big. Check out the video below. We will continue Falcon Pride Patrol every Friday 8:00-8:30 am.